Frederick Douglass
Neighborhood Association
Brockton, Massachusetts
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To connect with us, click here.
/ join

Our thanks to all our members, supporters and volunteers: the owners of the land who have allowed us its use; Mayor Bill Carpenter and his City of Brockton team; Helping2Unite Brockton for their cleanups and maintenance; SWL for the weeding of the raised beds and additional plants; BAWIB and WAVE for our sign at the Liberty Tree, our three downtown churches: Central United Methodist, Assembly of God, and Messiah Baptist; Community Connections, HarborOne Bank, and the Just Checking In Foundation for your generous donations; Southeast Regional Vo-Tech, Stonehill College and SHUP, for your volunteers; Brockton Historical Society for your wisdom, and of course to all of the great people of our City of Champions: Brockton, Massachusetts.
To join, volunteer, donate, or simply stay in touch, here's our contact information. Follow updates posted on this website as well as our Facebook page.
Frederick Douglass
Neighborhood Association
Visit us or message us via Facebook HERE.
To learn more about us, you can watch our slideshow by following this link:
To watch an innovative presentation about Frederick
Douglass and today's social media, click here.
To watch David Blight, Pulitzer Prize winning biographer of Frederick Douglass, talk about his book "Prophet of Freedom", click here.